RenterBall is a UK National Database website to help Landlords check out the history of tenants and ensuring bad behaving tenants cannot rent again unless they make amends for their behaviour
Why should Landlords have to deal with nightmare Tenants? Before RenterBall the best the industry had to offer was quite frankly a joke in filtering them out.
Without a central national database of tenants behaviour, tenants will always be able to find a way to reoffend
Introducing RenterBall
Our revolutionary feedback system!

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List an advert for free | ![]() |
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Stop duplicate accounts | ![]() |
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Read Tenants feedback | ![]() |
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Leave feedback that sticks | ![]() |
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Debt repayment system | ![]() |
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How it works
- 1Login and open a Landlord Page
- 2File a claim on all of your current and past tenants
- 3Advertise your empty properties on RenterBall
- 4Check out applicant's (tenant's) profile
- 5Send your new prospective Tenant an online RenterBall Agreement to sign
- 6Once signed you can leave feedback on your Tenant
- 1Login and complete your profile
- 2
Open a Tenant Page and invite your adult family members to join
- 3Apply on adverts on behalf of your Tenant Page
- 4
Have a viewing of the property and let the Landlord verify your driving licence
- 5Review and if you agree sign the Landlord's RenterBall agreement

One account for life
We are able to uniquely identify users and block users from having more than one verified account...
Tenants are able to register an account, supply details and apply to your adverts but you will only see their application after the account has been manually verified, to not waste your time
It usually takes less than one business day for an account to be verified To have a verified account a tenant will need 1: UK National Insurance Number and 2: a Full or Provisional UK Driving Licence Unfortunately the Northern Ireland driver licence database is on a completely separate system and is incompatible

Have the guarantor also sign a RenterBall agreement so you can leave feedback on them as well...
The guarantor disappears or the guarantor loses their income Nothing says a guarantor cannot default in their duties and when they do what can be done? Take them to court and sue them, for the tenant’s debts and legal costs
Also, if the guarantor has sold up and moved away, good luck finding them A common outcome is the guarantor goes broke and it costs you more to sue them than what a bailiff can recover in assets
Guarantors regularly exaggerate their financial status So therefore we highly recommend you insist the guarantor also joins the tenant page on RenterBall and is a cosigner of the RenterBall agreement so you can leave feedback on them as wowell and they will also be affected by any bad feedback

iD Buddy
For the small minority of people who cannot get a driving licence they are required to have a iD Buddy represent them...
A iD Buddy is somebody who has a UK national insurance number UK Full or Provisional driving licence ( excluding Northern Ireland )
The iD Buddy is not a guarantor but in a lot of circumstances they will also be a guarantor as well
The RenterBall iD Buddy’s duties are Open a tenant page on behalf of who they are representing Apply on adverts on their behalf Meet the landlord along with the tenant Sign the RenterBall agreement But most importantly Receive all of the feedback left on the tenant, lodged forever on their account If you have debt feedback, you will not be able to use RenterBall again unless you clear it in full
You can only be a RenterBall iD Buddy of someone who has a UK National Insurance number
Those who do not have a NI number cannot use RenterBall.
One account for life
Tenants will need a verified account to be able to rent via RenterBall. RenterBall’s goal is to make it impossible for a tenant to have more than one verified account.
Tenants are able to register an account, supply details and apply to your adverts but you will only see their application after the account has been manually verified, to not waste your time
It usually takes less than one business day for an account to be verified To have a verified account a tenant will need 1: UK National Insurance Number and 2: a Full or Provisional UK Driving Licence Unfortunately the Northern Ireland driver licence database is on a completely separate system and is incompatible
Even with a guarantor it doesn’t make a landlord totally safe Even though guarantors are one of the safest options there are still problems
The guarantor disappears or the guarantor loses their income Nothing says a guarantor cannot default in their duties and when they do what can be done? Take them to court and sue them, for the tenant’s debts and legal costs
Also, if the guarantor has sold up and moved away, good luck finding them A common outcome is the guarantor goes broke and it costs you more to sue them than what a bailiff can recover in assets
Guarantors regularly exaggerate their financial status So therefore we highly recommend you insist the guarantor also joins the tenant page on RenterBall and is a cosigner of the RenterBall agreement so you can leave feedback on them as wowell and they will also be affected by any bad feedback
iD Buddy
If a tenant does not have a UK Full or Provisional driving licence and they wish to use RenterBall to rent, then they are required to have a iD Buddy represent them
A iD Buddy is somebody who has a UK national insurance number UK Full or Provisional driving licence ( excluding Northern Ireland )
The iD Buddy is not a guarantor but in a lot of circumstances they will also be a guarantor as well
The RenterBall iD Buddy’s duties are Open a tenant page on behalf of who they are representing Apply on adverts on their behalf Meet the landlord along with the tenant Sign the RenterBall agreement But most importantly Receive all of the feedback left on the tenant, lodged forever on their account If you have debt feedback, you will not be able to use RenterBall again unless you clear it in full
You can only be a RenterBall iD Buddy of someone who has a UK National Insurance number
Those who do not have a NI number cannot use RenterBall.

Landlord, Letting agents can advertise your properties to rent for free on RenterBall

Tenant feedback
Check out the profiles and read the feedback of those who have applied on your adverts...
A tenant’s profile consists of the following information
- List of adult members of the household and their feedback
- A questionnaire about the tenant's tenancy
- Photographs at the beginning and end of the tenancy
- Outstanding rent, legal fees, damages
- And a 10,000 character comment section

RenterBall Agreement
Have your Tenants sign a RenterBall agreement and you are able to leave lawful feedback on them...
By a tenant (or their iD Buddy) agreeing and signing a RenterBall agreement, links the landlord and tenants (or their iD Buddy) accounts together
This will allow the landlord the ability to stop bad tenants reoffending by leaving lawful and accurate feedback The results will be saved on the landlord and tenants account for ever
Do not sign a RenterBall agreement lightly, as if you do, you will be expected to pay your rent in full, on time and not damage the property and if you do not stick to your tenancy agreement you cannot expect to rent again on RenterBall
Tenant feedback
When a tenant applies on your property, check out their profile
A tenant’s profile consists of the following information
- List of adult members of the household and their feedback
- A questionnaire about the tenant's tenancy
- Photographs at the beginning and end of the tenancy
- Outstanding rent, legal fees, damages
- And a 10,000 character comment section
RenterBall Agreement
A RenterBall agreement is not a tenancy agreement but works on similar principles,
By a tenant (or their iD Buddy) agreeing and signing a RenterBall agreement, links the landlord and tenants (or their iD Buddy) accounts together
This will allow the landlord the ability to stop bad tenants reoffending by leaving lawful and accurate feedback The results will be saved on the landlord and tenants account for ever
Do not sign a RenterBall agreement lightly, as if you do, you will be expected to pay your rent in full, on time and not damage the property and if you do not stick to your tenancy agreement you cannot expect to rent again on RenterBall

Leave Feedback
Have the freedom to fully describe your experience with your Tenants...
An optional questionnaire form with the most frequently asked questions we believe a new landlord would like to know when considering letting to this person
EG did you ask the tenant to leave?
Next is a 10,000 word character limit where you are able to express the full experience of dealing with your tenant, however we do recommend you don’t use swear words too often in your comment.
Comments like
“I hope the tenant rots in hell”
We expect landlords to be slightly more elegant than this even though we will not remove this type of feedback. If you do however leave it we would prefer you to stick to what actually happened rather than how you felt

Debt Feedback
Have the freedom to fully describe your experience with your Tenants...
Has a tenant ever owed you money and not paid up? File a claim against them and they will have to cough up if they want to rent again on RenterBall
As a landlord you have a choice Be paid in full or go on a payment plan
Unfortunately damages is a debatable So therefore it does not restrict them
To leave this feedback you do not require to have a CCJ or any thing official from the court You are only required to declare to the best available knowledge How much the tenant owes you
Stop Abandonment
Landlord need to leave feedback before your tenant can sign a new RenterBall agreement...
This is to stop tenants just abandoning the property
TTherefore we suggest landlords do not leave good feedback during the tenancy unless you are prepared for your tenant to be able to rent off another Renterball landlord for the following 14 days
If a landlord is unwilling/unable to leave feedback your tenant can use the Goodbye Notice form and if a landlord doesn't respond within 14 days an automatic no comment feedback is left
Leave Feedback
When you send your Tenant a RenterBall agreement to sign, you are able to include time stamped photographs at the start and as part of the feedback you are able to leave photographs at the end of the let
An optional questionnaire form with the most frequently asked questions we believe a new landlord would like to know when considering letting to this person
EG did you ask the tenant to leave?
Next is a 10,000 word character limit where you are able to express the full experience of dealing with your tenant, however we do recommend you don’t use swear words too often in your comment.
Debt Feedback
Tenants who owe rent or legal fees cannot expect to rent again on RenterBall unless they go on a payment plan
Has a tenant ever owed you money and not paid up? File a claim against them and they will have to cough up if they want to rent again on RenterBall
As a landlord you have a choice Be paid in full or go on a payment plan
Unfortunately damages is a debatable So therefore it does not restrict them
To leave this feedback you do not require to have a CCJ or any thing official from the court You are only required to declare to the best available knowledge How much the tenant owes you
Stop abandonment
If a landlord has a tenant on a RenterBall agreement they are restricted from signing a new renterball agreement without first receiving feedback within the last 14 days
This is to stop tenants just abandoning the property
Therefore we suggest landlords do not leave good feedback during the tenancy unless you are prepared for your tenant to be able to rent off another Renterball landlord for the following 14 days
If a landlord is unwilling/unable to leave feedback your tenant can use the Goodbye Notice form and if a landlord doesn't respond within 14 days an automatic no comment feedback is left
New Tenant
Have applicants apply on your advert and if you wish to rent to them send a RenterBall agreement for them to sign...
Advertise as you normally do but ask applicants to apply on your RenterBall advert
RenterBall filters out those who owe debt and are not on a payment plan and shows you the best
You are able to browse the list of applicants, read their profiles at your convenience and once you have picked your shortlist you can phone them up and go from there
Don’t waste your time speaking to time wasters Never have applicants randomly phone you up again
Only contact those who you believe are suitable If somebody is not suitable and you never wish to see their applications again you can block them applying on any more of your adverts
Only those users who have got verified RenterBall accounts can apply on your RenterBall advert
Tenants who are unwilling to use RenterBall but still insist on a viewing with the excuse they will use RenterBall if they like the property are probably just time wasters
If a tenant doesn’t have a driving licence, it takes them about a week to apply for one and by then you probably have let the property so if they have the required documents it takes just five minutes to set up an account and if they don’t let to somebody else
Current Tenant
File a claim on your current tenants declaring you were their landlord..
Advertise as you normally do but ask applicants to apply on your RenterBall advert
RenterBall filters out those who owe debt and are not on a payment plan and shows you the best
You are able to browse the list of applicants, read their profiles at your convenience and once you have picked your shortlist you can phone them up and go from there
Don’t waste your time speaking to time wasters Never have applicants randomly phone you up again
Only contact those who you believe are suitable If somebody is not suitable and you never wish to see their applications again you can block them applying on any more of your adverts
Only those users who have got verified RenterBall accounts can apply on your RenterBall advert
Tenants who are unwilling to use RenterBall but still insist on a viewing with the excuse they will use RenterBall if they like the property are probably just time wasters
If a tenant doesn’t have a driving licence, it takes them about a week to apply for one and by then you probably have let the property so if they have the required documents it takes just five minutes to set up an account and if they don’t let to somebody else

File a claim they have been your Tenant and if they wish to rent using RenterBall they will be obliged to sign your RenterBall agreement...
File a claim you were their landlord and they are obliged to sign your rental agreement if they wish to rent again and when they sign it declare they owe you money and they will have to pay you money if they wish to rent again
How it works
Send to the last contact details you have with your tenant a privacy policy update that says you are using RenterBall
( read more in the privacy policy article located click here ) -
File a claim you were their landlord
Sit back and wait for them to sign your RenterBall agreement
When they do RenterBall will immediately email you and you will have up to 2 months to be able to leave feedback on them, after that the agreement becomes historic and you will not be able to leave or edit feedback
However if you leave feedback showing they owe you money, you will always be able to lower any debt amount but not increase it on historic agreements
You will be unable to edit the comment section of the questionnaire and the photos on historic agreements
New Tenant
For new applicants (tenants)
Advertise as you normally do but ask applicants to apply on your RenterBall advert
RenterBall filters out those who owe debt and are not on a payment plan and shows you the best
You are able to browse the list of applicants, read their profiles at your convenience and once you have picked your shortlist you can phone them up and go from there
Don’t waste your time speaking to time wasters Never have applicants randomly phone you up again
Only contact those who you believe are suitable If somebody is not suitable and you never wish to see their applications again you can block them applying on any more of your adverts
Only those users who have got verified RenterBall accounts can apply on your RenterBall advert
Tenants who are unwilling to use RenterBall but still insist on a viewing with the excuse they will use RenterBall if they like the property are probably just time wasters
If a tenant doesn’t have a driving licence, it takes them about a week to apply for one and by then you probably have let the property so if they have the required documents it takes just five minutes to set up an account and if they don’t let to somebody else
Current Tenant
Encourage your Current Tenants to maintain good behavior by requesting them to sign a RenterBall Agreement. This will motivate them to pay their rent on time and keep your property in good condition, as they will be aware of the potential negative consequences of receiving poor feedback.
As the landlord, you can file a free claim on your landlord page, declaring yourself as their landlord. After doing so, invite your tenants to visit RenterBall and sign the RenterBall Agreement attached to the claim. Once they have signed, you will be able to leave feedback on their performance.
Don't allow all of your past bad tenants to abscond into the night If a tenant still owes you money then you still have an active contract with them Even a hundred years after they’ve moved out
File a claim you were their landlord and they are obliged to sign your rental agreement if they wish to rent again and when they sign it declare they owe you money and they will have to pay you money if they wish to rent again
How it works
Send to the last contact details you have with your tenant a privacy policy update that says you are using RenterBall
( read more in the privacy policy article located click here ) -
File a claim you were their landlord
Sit back and wait for them to sign your RenterBall agreement
When they do RenterBall will immediately email you and you will have up to 2 months to be able to leave feedback on them, after that the agreement becomes historic and you will not be able to leave or edit feedback
However if you leave feedback showing they owe you money, you will always be able to lower any debt amount but not increase it on historic agreements
You will be unable to edit the comment section of the questionnaire and the photos on historic agreements

Add documents to the RenterBall agreement and therefore Tenants cannot claim they weren`t given the those documents before the start of the Tenancy...
To allow tenants to have no excuse and to help landlords manage their documents we’ve introduced the optional documents tab on the RenterBall agreement
When a tenant signs a RenterBall agreement they then cannot claim they were not given access to the attached documents
The documents can be accessed at any time by the tenant, simply login into their RenterBall account and view them

Data Protection
Landlord - By using RenterBall and following our Instructions you will be GDPR compliant.
If you apply on an advert you unlock your profile to that landlord and if you no longer want that landlord to see your details simply cancel your application
If you share a tenant page with other members of your household there is a presumption that you give consent for them to see your information as you are living together after all
Upon signing a RenterBall agreement your account will be permanently linked to that agreement and the landlord will be able to view that agreement at any time for any reason and you cannot withdraw consent afterwards

Stop Fake Landlords
RenterBall requires Landlords to upload photographic ID to stop the well-known issue of fake Landlords taking rent properties they dont`t have the right to let...
Fake landlords rent out properties they do not have the right to rent, taking rent and deposits from unsuspecting people
How can you categorically prove the landlord is the actual landlord?
In short you can't
If you meet your landlord via Renterball have confidence that we have required the landlord to upload ID before he is able to advertise on RenterBall
You are also able to see how long they have been on Renterball
Fake landlords are best known for breaking into self contained accommodation , fitting a new set of keys and letting the property fairly quickly either by taking monies in advance to guarantee a future start date (giving the scammer the chance to do the same to other prospective tenants) or by taking a months rent and a bond straight away and handing over the keys.
To protect yourself, pay by bank transfer rather than cash.
True landlords tend to be cautious, and you could ask for proof of identity like they will certainly ask you for or pay £3 to check with the Land Registry who the actual owner is.
You could also ask to see the gas certificate (if relevant) which will show the landlord’s name. If in doubt, you could check with the neighbours
There are so many different documents certificates you have to provide a tenant these days and when taken to court it is so easy for the tenant to claim they were not given one of them Even if you have, it makes it difficult for the landlord to categorically prove they did issue them and court action can be delayed unreasonably if the tenant contests they did not receive them
To allow tenants to have no excuse and to help landlords manage their documents we’ve introduced the optional documents tab on the RenterBall agreement
When a tenant signs a RenterBall agreement they then cannot claim they were not given access to the attached documents
The documents can be accessed at any time by the tenant, simply login into their RenterBall account and view them
Data protection
GDPR makes blacklisting very difficult some might even say impossible
RenterBall has taken a Novel approach to get around GDPR Limitations and allow us landlords to be able to leave feedback that sticks and a bad tenant cannot just have their history scrubbed
On RenterBall Landlords can not just look up a tenant’s information Tenants fully control who can see their information, they have to make a deliberate choice about who can see their Profile
To be able to see a tenant's information they need to apply on your advert And to leave feedback on a tenant they need to sign a RenterBall agreement
The RenterBall agreement gives the landlord full permission to leave truthful and accurate feedback that will be saved on the tenant's ProfileStop Fake Landlords
RenterBall requires landlords to upload photographic ID to stop the well known issue of fake landlords taking deposits and rent for properties they don't have the right to let
Fake landlords rent out properties they do not have the right to rent, taking rent and deposits from unsuspecting people
How can you categorically prove the landlord is the actual landlord?
In short you can't
If you meet your landlord via Renterball have confidence that we have required the landlord to upload ID before he is able to advertise on RenterBall
You are also able to see how long they have been on Renterball
Fake landlords are best known for breaking into self contained accommodation , fitting a new set of keys and letting the property fairly quickly either by taking monies in advance to guarantee a future start date (giving the scammer the chance to do the same to other prospective tenants) or by taking a months rent and a bond straight away and handing over the keys.
To protect yourself, pay by bank transfer rather than cash.
True landlords tend to be cautious, and you could ask for proof of identity like they will certainly ask you for or pay £3 to check with the Land Registry who the actual owner is.
You could also ask to see the gas certificate (if relevant) which will show the landlord’s name. If in doubt, you could check with the neighbours
What is a Renterball Agreement?
A Renterball Agreement links a tenant's account with your landlord page, allowing you to manage the tenancy and leave feedback on them
There are 3 types of RenterBall agreements

1: Active Renterball Agreement
- 1: Leave and edit feedback on your tenant
- 2: Block a tenant from signing a new agreement without giving you a chance to leave feedback
- 3: A tenant is blocked from applying on an advert if they have debt feedback and are not on a payment plan
- 4: Cost £1/month to keep the agreement active

2: Waiting to become an Historic Renterball Agreement
- 1: Feedback can be edited or removed by landlord
- 2: The landlord can make the agreement active again
- 3: Block tenants with debt feedback from renting again unless you place them on a payment plan or they clear their debt in full
- 4: No cost to keep and it becomes Historic at the end of the following month

3: Historic Renterball Agreement
- 1: Feedback can not be edited
- 2: The Landlord can only lower the debt amount or delete the feedback
- 3: Block tenants with debt feedback from renting again unless you place them on a payment plan or they clear their debt in full
- 4: No cost to keep an Historic agreement
- 5: If a tenant left in good standing Landlords were no longer be able to see any new activity in the tenants account